I've answered swan, tiger, and flamingo in the past. This time I would have to say I would be a Giant Panda, and for the following reasons :
- They are cute
- They are chubby
- They get to wear black and white all the time
The next best thing to being a panda is visiting them. It would be a dream come true to go the Wolong Nature Reserve and hug a baby panda.
I really enjoyed reading this article: Cutest.Story.Ever.
They are chubby and wear black and white every day. Your dream. Not my dream. haha
You were speed dating? Creepy!
I wouldn't want to wear the same outfit everyday. Or be overly chubby or as I call it... FAT!
Cute, I can deal with.
Swan? HA!
Btw, when do I get to see your emo bangs?
I like how people followed your directions to look at your blog, but still didn't comment. UGH how annoying is that, huh? In the last four days I've had over 250 visitors, but only like 15 comments. Seriously, people!
I guess people just don't like me or my blog. I should post something outrageous so that they will have to comment.
The easiest way is to go to Statcounter.com and sign up and set it up for your blog. If you need help you can call me. I kind of miss you, so I wouldn't really mind, you know?
Hey look! A comment!
PAIGE GET ON VIRB! I sent you a request!
thanks paige. you are so right! good luck with the internship!
I hate to be a debbie downer...but i searched pandas and found this... http://www.metacafe.com/watch/232503/the_evil_panda_full_story/ not all panda's are cute. :[
i was shocked as you are.
debbie downer? Man, I really hate that phrase! Come on guys, have some sensitivity :) I really don't like the animal question, but I definitely have asked it when I was interviewing people for jobs before. I mostly just wanted to see them squirm and try to generate some oh-so-brilliant answer from thin air. Muahahahahaha!
well that's a very big goal to teach evil pandas not to be evil. but, you can do it! what will the first lesson be? "do not take things that do not belong to you"? ha.
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